電気通信大学 脳・医工学研究センター 第76回セミナーのご案内です。
◆日 時 2019年5月10日(金)16:00~17:00
◆会 場 電気通信大学 東3号館306会議室
東京都調布市調布ヶ丘1-5-1 →地図はこちら
◆参加費 無料、予約不要
◆講 師 Zineb ABDERRAHMANE (École Nationale Supérieure d’Hydrauliqur, Blida, Algeria.)
◆司 会 宮脇 陽一 教授
◆題 目 眼球運動から読むアスリートの脳機能
◆概 要 Haptic recognition of daily-life objects capable of dealing with data scarcity
概要 : Recognizing surrounding objects is an important skill for the autonomy of robots performing in daily-life. Nowadays robots are equipped with sophisticated sensors imitating human sensing capabilities such as touch. This allowed to integrate information about object texture, compliance and material ensuing from robot-object physical interaction to the recognition. In this thesis, we aim to exploit machine learning techniques to perform haptic recognition of daily life objects. The main challenge faced in this work is the scarcity of haptic training data for all daily-life objects. This is due to the continuously growing number of objects and the effort and time needed by the robot to physically interact with each object for data collection. We solve this problem by developing a haptic recognition framework capable of performing Zero-shot, One-shot and Multi-shot Learning. We extend this framework by integrating vision to enhance robots performance.
脳・医工学研究センター 山野井 佑介
メールアドレス: yamanoi@hi.mce.uec.ac.jp